Opal Stone: A Guide to Its History, Types, and Meaning

opal stone

Opal is a gemstone that has been treasured for centuries for its mesmerizing play of colors and unique iridescence. Its name comes from the Greek word “opallios,” meaning “to see a change in color.” Opals are beloved by gemstone enthusiasts and collectors alike for the vivid and iridescent hues that make them stand out from other precious stones. In this article, we will explore the history, types, and meanings of opal stone, as well as its properties and uses in jewelry making.

History of Opal Stone

Opal Stone has a long and fascinating history. The ancient Greeks believed that opals were created when tears of joy were wept by Zeus after his victory over the Titans turned into gemstones. In medieval times, opals were believed to bring good luck and protect the wearer from harm. In the 19th century, opals became highly sought after in Europe, and the discovery of opal deposits in Australia in the 20th century led to a surge in popularity around the world.

Types of Opal Stone

There are four main types of opal stones: precious opal, fire opal, common opal, and boulder opal.

Precious Opal

Precious opal is the most valuable and highly prized type of opal. It is characterized by a play of colors that can range from vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows to cool blues, greens, and violets. Precious opals are found in a variety of colors, patterns, and shapes, making each stone unique and highly collectible.

Fire Opal

Fire opal is a type of opal that is known for its warm, fiery hues, which range from orange to red. It is typically transparent or translucent, and its colors are often uniform throughout the stone. Fire opals are found in Mexico, the United States, and Australia.

Common Opal

Common opal, also known as potch, is a type of opal that lacks the play of color found in precious opal. It is usually opaque and can range in color from white to gray to black. Common opals are found in many parts of the world, including the United States, Mexico, and Brazil.

Boulder Opal

Boulder opal is a type of opal that is formed within ironstone boulders. It is characterized by a thin layer of precious opal that forms along the edge of the boulder. Boulder opals are found in Queensland, Australia, and are highly prized for their striking patterns and colors.

Properties of Opal Stone

Opal stone is composed of hydrated silica, and its unique properties make it highly valued in the gemstone industry.

Physical Properties

Opal has a relatively low hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, making it susceptible to scratching and chipping. Its specific gravity ranges from 1.98 to 2.25, and its refractive index varies from 1.37 to 1.47.

Chemical Properties

Opal stone is composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2), which is also found in other gemstones such as quartz and amethyst. It contains water molecules that are trapped within its structure, which give it its unique iridescence.

Optical Properties

The most distinctive feature of opal stone is its play of color, which is caused by the diffraction of light as it passes through the silica spheres that make up the stone. When light enters the opal, it is refracted and scattered, creating a rainbow of colors that shift and change depending on the angle of observation.
Meaning and Symbolism of Opal Stone

Opal stone is believed to have a range of spiritual and healing properties, as well as astrological significance.

Spiritual Meaning

Opal is considered a stone of transformation and change, helping to enhance one’s intuition, creativity, and imagination. It is also thought to bring about emotional stability, inner peace, and a sense of calm.

Healing Properties

Opal stone is believed to have a range of healing properties, including the ability to boost the immune system, ease tension, and promote relaxation. It is also said to aid in digestion and improve vision.

Astrological Significance

Opal is the birthstone for October and is associated with the zodiac sign of Libra. It is said to enhance the qualities of harmony, balance, and peace in those born under this sign.

Uses of Opal Stone in Jewelry Making

Opal stone is a popular choice for jewelry making due to its striking iridescence and wide range of colors. Some of the most popular ways to use opal stone in jewelry include:

Opal Engagement Rings

Opal engagement rings are a unique and stylish alternative to traditional diamond rings. They are available in a range of colors and styles and are perfect for those who want a non-traditional engagement ring.

Opal Pendants

Opal pendants are a popular choice for those who want to add a touch of color and sparkle to their outfit. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be paired with a range of chain styles.

Opal Earrings

Opal earrings are a great way to add a pop of color to any outfit. They are available in a variety of styles, including studs, hoops, and drop earrings, and can be paired with other gemstones for a unique and eye-catching look.

Care and Maintenance of Opal Stone

Opal stone requires special care and attention to maintain its beauty and luster. It should be stored away from direct sunlight and heat, as exposure to these elements can cause the stone to dry out and crack. It should also be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap, and should never be soaked in water or cleaned with harsh chemicals.

Myths and Folklore Surrounding Opal Stone

Opal stone has been the subject of many myths and legends throughout history. In ancient times, it was believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm. In medieval Europe, opals were associated with witchcraft and were thought to be a source of bad luck. Despite these myths and legends, opal remains a highly sought-after gemstone today.


Opal stone is a fascinating and beautiful gemstone that has been treasured for centuries. Its unique play of color and iridescence makes it a popular choice for jewelry making, and its

spiritual and healing properties have made it a beloved stone in many cultures. When caring for opal stone, it is important to remember its susceptibility to scratching and chipping, as well as its sensitivity to sunlight and heat. With proper care, however, opal can remain a stunning and meaningful addition to any jewelry collection.


Is opal stone expensive?

Opal stone can range in price from relatively affordable to very expensive, depending on factors such as size, quality, and rarity.

Can opal stone be used in engagement rings?

Yes, opal engagement rings are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional diamond rings.

Does opal stone have any healing properties?

Opal stone is believed to have a range of healing properties, including the ability to boost the immune system, ease tension, and promote relaxation.

What is the best way to care for opal stone jewelry?

Opal stone jewelry should be stored away from direct sunlight and heat, cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap, and never soaked in water or cleaned with harsh chemicals.

What is the history of the opal stone in folklore and mythology?

Opal stone has been the subject of many myths and legends throughout history, with beliefs ranging from its ability to ward off evil spirits to its association with witchcraft and bad luck. Despite these myths, opal remains a popular and beloved gemstone today.


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